7 Ways To Cut Cloud Costs Without Compromising On Quality.

Cloud storage has made it easy for businesses to store and access their data. However, as data grows, so do storage costs. The good news is, there are ways to decrease your cloud storage costs without compromising on the benefits of cloud storage.

Here are 7 ways to decrease cloud storage costs:

1.      Cut the Fat: Analyze Your Current Storage Usage

Before you start cutting costs, analyze your current cloud storage usage. This helps you identify how much storage you need, how much you are using, and what types of data you are storing. With this information, you can make informed decisions about how to optimize your usage and save on costs.

2.      Out with the Old: Delete Unneeded Data

Storage costs can quickly add up, especially if you are storing data you no longer need. Take a closer look at your cloud storage and identify any files or data that are no longer needed. Deleting these files can free up storage space and reduce costs.

3.      Take a Load Off: Use Compression

Compression is an effective way to reduce the amount of storage space your files take up. This is particularly useful for large files like images, videos, and audio files. Compression can help you save on storage costs, but it is important to balance this with the cost of decompressing the files when you need to access them.

4.      Choose Wisely: Use Tiered Storage

Most cloud providers offer tiered storage options, which means you can store less frequently accessed data on lower-cost storage options, such as Amazon S3 Glacier or Azure Archive Storage. Using tiered storage can help you save money by only paying for the storage you need. However, tiered storage also comes with longer access times, meaning it could take 3-5 days to get your data, so something to always keep in mind.

5.      Automate the Process: Use Auto-Tiering

Some cloud providers offer automatic tiering, which means your data is automatically moved to the appropriate storage tier based on its access frequency. This ensures you are not paying for more expensive storage than you need. Automatic tiering can be particularly useful if your data access patterns change over time.

6.      Set It and Forget It: Use Data Lifecycle Policies

Data lifecycle policies automatically delete or move data to lower-cost storage tiers after a certain period of time. This ensures you are not paying for storage you no longer need. By setting up data lifecycle policies, you can ensure your data is stored cost-effectively without manual intervention.

7.      Negotiate Like a Pro: Negotiate with Your Cloud Provider

If you are a large customer, you may be able to negotiate better pricing with your cloud provider. Reach out to your provider to see if there are any cost-saving options available. You might be able to negotiate better pricing based on your usage patterns or by committing to a longer-term contract.

Reach out to us at solutions@symbiosys.it to learn how we are able to help reduce your cloud storage costs by maximizing cloud storage space.


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